General questions about our products

Here at we face a lot of questions that might be information taken for granted for others and completely new information to someone else. As our customer base grows, so does the questions. We are trying to gather all the most frequently asked general questions below.

The drill setup in plumbing is a combination of drill and other tools that makes drain unclogging, descaling and cleaning possible while being highly affordable.
It is also lightweight and mobile choice for professional plumbers and other drain professionals.

Here is what the drill setup usually consists:

  • Cordless Drill
  • Drill-to-Shaft Connector
  • Flexible Shaft
  • Cleaning Chain / Brush / Drill Head

Additional equipment for drill setup:

  • Shaft-to-Shaft Connector
  • Shaft Lock
  • Foot Pedal for Drill
  • CCTV Equipment

Here is short list of what you need to your drill setup of plumbing:

  • You, the professional plumber
  • Cordless Drill Driver (Click HERE for additional info)
  • Drill-to-Shaft Connector
  • Flexible Shaft
  • Tool to match your task (e.g. Chain Knocker or Brush)

All these tools (excluding the Cordless Drill Driver) can be bought from Pipemade!
We highly recommend having a drain camera as well so you can see what is exactly going on inside.

Choosing the right length for your flex shaft depends on the majority of your tasks you face on the jobsite.

For example, if most of your work is within 8meters (26ft), you should select a shaft that covers this distance comfortably. In this case a 10 meter (33ft) long shaft is a great choice.

For occasional needs beyond the reach of your 10 meter (33ft) flex shaft, we highly recommend getting an extra flex shaft that is shorter. In this example a 5 meter (16ft) long extra flex shaft would most likely be a great choice.

To use this extra shaft when in need, you will also need one shaft-to-shaft connector. The Shaft-to-Shaft Connector allows you to attach one shaft to each other for extended reach.

This way, you keep your main setup light and manageable for everyday tasks, with the option to extend your flex shaft reach when necessary.

The thicker the flex shaft is, the more torque it will deliver but it comes with a cost of flexibility.
The thinner the shaft is, the more flexibility it will have but it comes with a cost of torque delivered.

DN50 (2″) pipes:
We recommend going with a 6mm (¼″) shaft thickness if you want to be able to navigate through 90° bends in this diameter. Any thicker flex shaft might be having issues navigating through 90° bends in DN50 (2″) sized pipes.

DN75 (3″) and DN100 (4″) pipes:
We recommend choosing the thickness of 8mm (⁵⁄₁₆″) to the flex shaft when there are tight bends to navigate through. Aggressive descaling is slightly less effective than it would be with a thicker shaft, but it is doable.

DN100 (4″) and DN150 (6″) pipes:
We recommend choosing the 10mm (⅜″) flexible shaft thickness. It is great for descaling and blockage removal in these sized pipes.

(Conditionally) DN100 (4″) to DN200 (8″) pipes:
When the line is straight without bends and you need the maximum unclogging or descaling power, the thickest flexible shaft option of 12mm (½″) is the one we recommend choosing. The thickest flex shaft might go one or even two bends, but this might affect the torque delivered to the chain knocker or any other tool in the end of the shaft.

So, if there's a combination of a lot of bends and small diameter pipes with the need of descaling, cleaning or unclogging, we highly recommend choosing thinner shafts, like the 6mm (¼") or 8mm (⁵⁄₁₆").

Thicker shafts, such as the 12mm (½"), provide more torque for tougher jobs, but they're less flexible. This is a great choice when you are working with larger diameter pipes without bends.

If your work involves a lot of different aspects like tight bends, long straight lines, need for high torque or different sized pipes, you might want to consider having multiple shafts with different thicknesses on hand to match the specific requirements of each job.

Chain Knockers

Choosing the correct tool to your plumbing & drain maintenance task is one of our most frequently asked questions. What are the Duty levels in Chain Knockers that has and how do I choose the correct one for my job? Should I choose Mini, 1, 2, 3-chained or Circular Chain? How to choose correct chain thickness?

You can find all these answers and more below!

In short: The Gentle Duty Brush is a tool for spray coating preparations, gentle descaling and even chimney cleaning.

The bristles on the brush are manufactured from Silicon Carbide that offers the much needed roughness for those cleaning operations where chains are a bit too much, but Nylon Brushes don't quite cut it either.

With the Gentle Duty Brush you can roughen up PVC pipes prior to spray coating or brush coating effortlessly. Commonly these brushes are used before using Spraypoxy spray coating systems, Picote Brush coating systems or the Picote Inversion Cannon.
The gentle duty brush also effectively gets rid of light scale in drains while still being extremely gentle to the pipe itself, this makes the gentle duty brush an excellent choice when dealing with light scale in PVC, fragile or poor condition hard metal pipes.

Light Duty Chains do not have any kind of hard metal bits. This minimizes the risk of damaging the pipe's interior, making them an ideal choice for cleaning & descaling tasks in PVC, ABS, PEX, Copper and other fragile pipes. Light Duty Chains are also a great option when a pipe made from tougher material is in considerably rough shape and you don't want to take any risks.

Medium Duty Chains are equipped with the legendary X-shaped tips. These chains are the most aggressive what comes to descaling power in Pipemade's catalog. These chain knockers are not to be used in soft material pipes since the aggressive bits will most likely damage this kind of pipes.

Medium Duty is best for:

  • Cast Iron
  • Galvanized Steel Pipes
  • Orangeburg Pipes
  • Vitrified Clay Pipes (VCP)
  • Terracotta/Clay Sewer Pipes
  • Other hard metal pipes

However, if the condition of the pipe seems like it cannot take any rough hits, we highly recommend considering of picking the circular chain knocker option since the circular design of those knockers is based on centrifugal force effectively making those chains gentler on the host pipe than standard multi-chained sleeved chain knockers.

The Heavy Duty Chain Knockers are equipped with the Croco shaped tips. These legendary tips excel in durability, and they are slightly less aggressive in descaling than Medium Duty Chains. Make no mistake, these chains will absolutely have effective descaling power inside hard metal pipes and should not be used inside PVC or other soft material pipes. Although, some of our very experienced customers has told us that they have used these chain knockers in very tough tasks inside PVC pipes. Still, we do not recommend it since it might damage those kinds of pipes.

We recommend using the Heavy Duty Chains in the following pipe types:

  • Cast Iron
  • Galvanized Steel Pipes
  • Orangeburg Pipes
  • Vitrified Clay Pipes (VCP)
  • Terracotta/Clay Sewer Pipes
  • Other hard metal pipes

These are the same pipe types as mentioned in the Medium Duty we know, we know... This is something we cannot draw a clear line about which one to choose since some like the Medium Duty more and some the Heavy Duty.

Mini Chain Knockers:
For really small diameter pipes of DN32 (1 ¼”) - DN50 (2”) with or without tight bends we recommend the Mini Chain Knocker. It only has one hub where both of the short chain links are attached - making the chain easy to navigate through tight spots.

1-Chained Chain Knockers:
The decision between 1-Chained and Mini Chain is really close call since both are very agile with navigating through bends. Here, the chain is multi-link (longer) chain, offering a bit more cleaning area in one run when compared to the Mini Chains. Having only 1 chain and a hub in both ends, it lacks bulkiness and basically navigates effortlessly through wherever the flex shaft does. So, the 1-Chained option is great for small diameter pipes and bends while offering size options up to DN75 (3”)

2-Chained Chain Knockers:
These Chain Knockers offer a middle ground between 1-Chained and 3-Chained options. They are effective at descaling but moderately capable of navigating through bends.

3-Chained Chain Knockers:
The 3-Chained option is usually the option to go with when the descalable line is quite straight with long bends / without tight bends. 3-Chain offers thorough and effective descaling with a moderate cost in flexibility.

Circular Chain Knockers:
Circular chains are often wrongfully ignored. They have the niche of offering powerful cleaning & descaling over the full pipe circumference while being gentle to the pipe. It is an excellent choice for example when facing a pipe in poor condition and you want to minimize the risk of damaging it even more while still being able to clean it.

Circular Chain Knockers are usually the most bulkiest chain knockers, so you might struggle if there is going to be navigation through multiple bends or singular tight turns. Circular Chains impose much less strain on the pipe walls as the centrifugal force rotated tool cleans the walls of the pipe without slamming into them.

If the chain knocker offers an option for chain thickness, typically you'll find two choices: 3.5mm and 4.0mm. This defines the thickness of the chain links in that particular chain knocker. Choosing the correct chain thickness for your chain knocker depends on the specific requirements of the job you're facing.

3.5mm Chain Thickness:
Ideal for maximizing flexibility, these chains require less torque, making them suitable for use with smaller power sources. They navigate bends more smoothly, enhancing overall manoeuvrability. This option is recommended when seeking ease for your drill and the highest level of flexibility. However, the flexibility is also influenced by the shaft's rigidity; for tight bends, consider a thinner shaft combined with 3.5mm chains for optimal results. These chains are by weight the lightest option available.

4.0mm Chain Thickness:
Offers increased efficiency and speed, suitable for straight lines or paths with few, easy bends. These chains demand more torque but excel in power and cleaning efficiency in less complex piping. We recommend using 4,0mm Chains only with 10mm (⅜″) or 12mm (½″) flex shafts since they are more rigid.

In summary, 3.5mm chains are your go-to for intricate, bend-heavy plumbing systems requiring gentle handling, while 4.0mm chains are best for more straightforward, less complex systems where speed and efficiency are priorities. Always consider the combined effect of chain thickness and shaft flexibility on the manoeuvrability and efficiency of your cleaning tasks.

Best tool for pipe type

There are a lot of different pipe types out there. Some are made from soft materials and won't withstand any carbides in chain knockers. Some are made from hard metals and can withstand agressive cleaning tasks. What tool should you choose to the task and what do you have to take into account before starting? We gathered information about different pipe types, what tool to choose when working with them and more!

The PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) is usually white, brown, or other lightly coloured commonly used pipe material in plumbing and drainage that are based above-ground like indoors in a household. PVC is a little bit more flexible and can endure higher temperatures (without losing form) than ABS.

Best tool for cleaning PVC pipes:

For cleaning PVC pipes, we recommend Light Duty Chains or Gentle Duty Brushes. Light Duty Chains do not have any kind of hard metal bits that would damage the pipe. Depending on what you prefer, the Gentle Duty Brushes are also a great choice that gets rid of light scale in drains while still being extremely gentle to the pipe itself. With the Gentle Duty Brush you can roughen up PVC pipes prior to enhance adhesion between the host pipe and spray coating or brush coating effortlessly.

The ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is usually black in colour and commonly used in underground locations that will not be exposed to a direct sunlight that might affect on the pipe’s quality over time. ABS is used in sewage, drainage, DWV-systems (Drain Waste Vent). In some cases, you might find ABS pipes in laboratories or other certain industries since they pack a good resistance for different chemicals. It is also good to note that ABS is a bit less flexible than PVC.

Best tool for cleaning ABS pipes:

For cleaning ABS pipes, we recommend the same tools that we recommend with PVC: Light Duty Chains or Gentle Duty Brushes. Light Duty Chains do not have any kind of hard metal bits that would damage the pipe. Depending on what you prefer, the Gentle Duty Brushes are also a great choice that gets rid of light scale in drains while still being extremely gentle to the pipe itself. With the Gentle Duty Brush you can roughen up ABS pipes prior to enhance adhesion between the host pipe and spray coating or brush coating effortlessly.

PEX (Crosslinked Polyethylene) pipes are known for their flexibility, resistance to scale and chlorine, and ability to handle high temperatures, making them a popular choice in modern plumbing for hot and cold water supply.

Best tool for cleaning PEX pipes:

For cleaning PEX pipes, we recommend the same as we do with PVC and ABS pipes: Light Duty Chains are suitable as their design avoids damage to the pipe's interior. Alternatively, Gentle Duty Brushes offer a non-abrasive method to clean or prepare PEX pipes for coating, preserving their integrity while ensuring a thorough clean. These tools ensure effective cleaning without compromising the unique properties of PEX piping.

Copper pipes are most commonly used in plumbing for water supply lines and heating system components, including hot and cold water distribution and radiant heating systems. It is preferred for plumbing due to its durability, corrosion resistance, light weight, and ability to handle high temperatures, making them suitable for both residential and commercial use. It is absolutely harder than PVC, PEX, or ABS but softer and more flexible than Cast Iron.

Best tool for cleaning & descaling Copper pipes:

When it comes to cleaning or descaling copper pipes, Light Duty Chain Knockers or Gentle Duty Brushes are recommended to avoid damaging the pipe's interior. However, for more stubborn descaling needs where these tools might not suffice, Heavy Duty Chain Knockers can be used with caution for great results as well.

Cast iron pipes are commonly used in plumbing for main sewage lines and drainage systems due to their high durability, longevity, and resistance to corrosion. They're particularly favoured for underground installations, where their strength can withstand the soil's pressure and environmental conditions. Additionally, cast iron's sound-dampening qualities make it a preferred choice for reducing noise in waste disposal systems within buildings.

Best tool for cleaning & descaling Cast Iron pipes:

When cleaning or descaling Cast Iron pipes it is good to know that The Cast Iron Pipes can almost always withstand even the most aggressive hits from the Chain Knocker. This is why we recommend going with the Medium Duty Chain Knockers for aggressive descaling tasks. If you personally prefer Heavy Duty Chain Knockers, those will also work perfectly. Using Light Duty Chain Knockers in Cast Iron will most likely be more time consuming, but it will eventually get the job done.

Galvanized steel pipes were commonly used in plumbing for water supply lines and framing in outdoor and industrial applications due to their durability and resistance to rust. However, their use has declined in residential water supply systems due to the potential for corrosion and accumulation of mineral deposits inside the pipe, which can lead to reduced water flow and water quality issues. Nowadays, they are more likely to be found in older homes or for specific non-potable water applications where corrosion resistance is a priority.

Best tool for cleaning & descaling Galvanized Steel Pipes:

Cleaning & Descaling Galvanized Steel Pipes goes with the same recommendations as with the Cast Iron Pipes. Use Medium Duty Chain Knockers for aggressive descaling tasks and if you prefer Heavy Duty Chain Knockers, those will also work perfectly. Descaling with Light Duty Chain Knockers in Galvanized steel pipes will most likely be more time consuming, but it will eventually get the job done.

Orangeburg pipes, also known as "fiber conduit" or "bituminous fiber pipe," were primarily used for sewer lines and other drainage purposes. They are made from layers of wood pulp and pitch pressed together. Introduced in the early 20th century, their use peaked in the 1940s to 1970s, especially in suburban areas. However, due to their susceptibility to deformation and collapse over time, their use has significantly declined, and they are no longer installed. Today, they are mostly found in older residential areas.

Best tool for cleaning Orangeburg pipes:

When cleaning an Orangeburg pipes, we recommend using Medium Duty Circular Chains or when scale build is quite minimal and the pipe seems to be quite fragile we recommend starting with Gentle Duty Brushes. Always recommend to proceed with caution as if the pipe's condition is badly deteriorated, you might end up cracking or otherwise damaging the pipe when cleaning it.

The Vitrified Clay Pipes (VCP) are primarily used in sewer systems due to their excellent resistance to corrosion and abrasion. Made from clay that's been fired to a glass-like state, these pipes are durable and suited for transporting wastewater. They're often found in municipal sewer projects and can be ideal for areas with highly corrosive soil or where long-term durability is required. Their use in modern plumbing has decreased with the advent of more flexible and lighter materials, but they remain a reliable choice for certain underground drainage applications.

Best tool for cleaning Vitrified Clay Pipes (VCP):

Cleaning the VCP pipes requires careful working as using chain knockers might crack the pipe when the chain is repeatedly slammed into the pipe wall. Carefully inspect the condition of the pipe and make sure to test your solution of choice in an easy location to verify the suitability of the cleaning method.

We recommend using any Circular Chain. If the scale build is minimal we recommend going with the Gentle Duty Brushes to avoid any kind of damage to the pipe. if the Gentle Duty is not enough you should try Circular Chains.

If the pipe is not stragiht and you got some tight bends to navigate, the Circular Chains might not be flexible enough to navigate through. In these Cases you should go with regular multi-chained Medium Duty Chain Knockers or Heavy Duty Chain Knockers.

We always recommend proceeding with caution as if the pipe's condition is badly deteriorated, you might end up cracking or otherwise damaging the pipe when cleaning it.

Terracotta or clay sewer pipes, similar to vitrified clay pipes, are traditionally used in underground sewer systems. They're favoured for their long lifespan and resistance to chemical degradation. These pipes, made from natural clay, are especially common in older installations and are well-suited for conveying wastewater due to their robustness against aggressive environments. While their usage has declined with the introduction of more modern materials, terracotta pipes are still valued in some areas for their environmental compatibility and durability.

Best tool for cleaning & descaling Terracotta/Clay Sewer Pipes:

Cleaning Clay pipes requires careful working. Carefully inspect the condition of the pipe and make sure to test your solution of choice in an easy location to verify the suitability of the cleaning method.

We recommend using any Circular Chain. If the scale build is minimal try with the Gentle Duty Brushes to avoid any kind of damage to the pipe. if the Gentle Duty is not enough you should try Circular Chains.

Medium Duty Chain Knockers and Heavy Duty Chain Knockers are for more aggressive needs but always recommend proceeding with caution as if the pipe's condition is badly deteriorated, you might end up cracking or otherwise damaging the pipe when cleaning it.


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Shipping costs are calculated based on product size, total weight, and destination. Adding items to your existing cart may affect shipping rates. For example, adding three flexible shafts after checking costs for a single chain knocker could increase shipping fees.

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Cleaning, Descaling and HVAC Tools

Typically, delivery takes about 7-11 business days, often quicker within Europe.

CIPP Tools

Delivering CIPP tools is a little slower than our Cleaning & Descaling or HVAC tools. Delivery of CIPP tools takes about 10-15 business days, often quicker within Europe.


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