1-3 Chained Heavy Duty Chain options for different situations.
1-chained for unparalleled flexibility in tight bends
2-chained for balanced cleaning power & flexibility
3-chained for maximum cleaning power.
The Mini Chain, with its dual-chain design, excels in small diameter pipes, perfect for dislodging urine scale without causing downstream blockages.
Each variant has effective and the most durable Croco-tips for effectively clearing blockages and scale.

Drill Headed Heavy Duty Chains for obliterating blockages
Having a tough time with blockages? The Heavy Duty Drill Headed Chain Knocker is a durable descaling chain that has integrated Croco drill head for extra tackling power of blockages and scale buildup.
These chains effectively clean the pipe while the drill head obliterates blockages effortlessly.
Croco drill head is durable choice and offers a little bit more accessive size & design in shape for those difficult-to reach places.
Heavy Duty Chain Knockers are most durable choice for effective hard metal pipe cleaning
Pipemade's Heavy Duty Chain Knockers are the most durable chain knockers while having effective cleaning & descaling power.
Engineered for plumbers to effortlessly clean and descale hard metal pipes, like cast iron. Heavy Duty Chain Knockers have the unique Croco-pattern carbide tips that pack a lot of power to obliterate most persistent scale and debris while being the most durable option for hard metal pipes.
Heavy Duty Chain Knockers are specifically designed with two things in mind: Exceptional durability & effective cleaning power.
Heavy Duty are generally not recommended for softer pipe materials such as PVC. However, some professionals have told us they successfully used them with caution in PVC pipes when Light Duty Chains were not sufficient.
Heavy Duty range has a selection of different kind of chain knockers to match the task at hand:
Mini Chain Knocker small diameter pipes, perfect for dislodging urine scale without causing downstream blockages.
1-chained for unparalleled flexibility in tight bends
2-chained for balanced cleaning power
3-chained for maximum cleaning power. for larger diameters, each option ensures a thorough clean.
Drill Headed Chain knockers when facing tough blockages.